
The kaneton design has be conceived in a very specific way enabling students to understand very quickly. Indeed, the microkernel is divided into managers, each of them being in charge of an object type being memory region, task, thread, message queue etc.


Furthermore, the source code is crystal clear, following a very strict coding style which makes the source code look like pseudo-code. Besides, the source code is heavily commented.


In addition to a heavily commented source code, the project comes with a few complete books; providing students enough high level information about the design but also examples of low-level code.


kaneton has been designed with portability in heart. Indeed, the microkernel is divided into two components: the core which represents the machine-independent code and the machine which is hardware-specific and re-divided into three sub-components glue, platform and architecture.


The design and implementation make the source code very coherent, hence easily maintainable.


kaneton has been designed and implemented with distributed computing in mind. For instance, objects in kaneton are protected by capabilities making it easier for objects to be distributed over the distributed operating system built on top of it.